Oh boy… I’m writing this at 5.30am again. Ha, it turns out this is the writing hour for me in California. Right when the sun comes up before the work day really kicks in when my head is buzzing with ideas and I have a little time to reflect on stuff.
So here’s what I want to talk about today.
Urgh. I know. So many people shudder at the thought of sales. They think that selling is the icky part of a business, and I guess, in many cases it is. But honestly? I think selling is getting a pretty bad rep. Mainly because the majority of people seriously suck at it, which leaves the rest of us struggling to understand how we’re supposed to sell in a way that doesn’t make us feel like an absolute pushy slimeball.
I work with so many clients who tell me they suck at selling - Who know that what they do is awesome, whose clients/customers love their work once they’re in the door, but struggle to get people through that door in the first place. So I figured I’d share a few things I’ve learnt along the way.
The funny thing to me is that the key to selling …. is not selling. Haha …. Let me explain :
Give first.
Think long-term rather than short-term. I know, this isn’t what you want to hear when you are desperate for your business to start making money. But building a brand that gives first is the smartest move you can make. Giving first can come in so many forms — It can be as simple as offering your advice for free, letting people try your product, going out of your way to help someone out. But please please please remember this: Don’t try and be tactical about it. Don’t offer your help and then throw in a sales pitch at the end. I know it might feel counterintuitive, or even downright crazy if you’re struggling to make any sales…. but generosity makes for good karma… you’ve just gotta trust it.
Focus on brand building rather than transactions.
I’ll probably get shot for saying this… haha, but I’ve come to realise that it’s way more important to build a brand than it is to increase the number of transactions you make. Legacy before sales. Invest your time in establishing an epic brand and I promise you the sales will come. What does brand building look like? Clarity. Smart positioning & packaging. Epic content. Websites that don’t suck. Social media that adds value. Establishing your voice. Becoming known for something. Doing the work.
Stop trying to convert people.
Ugh. Is there any worse feeling ?! Trying to convert someone to buy something from you means one thing… they probably don’t want what you have. Which means you are wasting your time! A mentor shared something with me a few years back that has influenced how I’ve marketed my business ever since.
He taught me how to map out the journey a customer/client goes on. And more importantly, he helped me recognise that it takes about 6/8 weeks of someone engaging & consuming your content before they are in a space where they are ready to invest in your services/product. So if you try and push a sale on someone prior to that time, then it’s most likely going to be hard (and will feel pretty damn icky for both parties). However, if you wait (and just keep adding value) until they reach that point, they will either drop off the radar because they’re not interested or they will be ready to buy without you needing to ‘sell’ to them. They will have experienced your brand & your work enough to know whether you are a good fit or not.
This simple concept seriously transformed how I approached sales (read: never feeling like I have to sell — what a freaking relief).
Sell how you want to be sold to.
Haha this sounds so obvious right ?! But you wouldn’t believe how many businesses forget this. Think back to a time when you bought something that you really wanted from an awesome brand. How did the experience feel? How were you treated?
And on the flip side… think back to a time when someone tried to push something on you. When someone was selling harrrrrd. When you could sense the desperation in their words & actions. How did that feel? Remember that people buy from people — Relationships are where it’s at. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Sell how you want to be sold to.