Reflections on non-conformity

Reflections on non-conformity

I found myself inspired to write this post after spending a couple of days with an old friend. He’s one of those buddies that you don’t see for months/years on end, but somehow hang out for 5 minutes and just pick up where you left off.

We worked together years ago teaching kids to surf, and we’ve both been on pretty interesting journeys since. But we’ve always kept in touch, and whenever we’ve been in the same country at the same time, we’ve managed to hang out and catch up with each other’s adventures.

Business Smarts : How to be location independent at home

Business Smarts : How to be location independent at home

For most of us, the idea of being on the road 24/7 isn’t that awesome. Sure, travelling is awesome, but actually, so is hanging out with friends & family and connecting with your roots. So does that mean you have to take off your location independent badge the moment you land at your local airport?

I beg to differ.

In fact, I’d go as far as saying that being location independent at home is almost as fun as it is in a foreign country.

When being an ‘expert’ is bad for business

When being an ‘expert’ is bad for business

We build trust and resonance with brands that speak our language.

We breathe a sigh of relief when someone can explain something to us in a way that doesn’t make us feel like we’re an absolute idiot. Think back to your school days… We’ve all had that one teacher who made learning feel fun. Whose lessons seemed more engaging & interesting than the rest. Was it because the stuff they were teaching, was easy? No, it was the way they chose to communicate.

Time to unroll the mat

Time to unroll the mat

My time on the mat leaves me feeling grounded and calm. And that’s the perfect way to start a day. I find that when I sit down at my desk with that mindset (as opposed to the just-woke-up-yikes-look-at-that-to-do-list mindset), I’m super clear on what I need to be working on and I seem to be heaps more productive and methodical in everything I do.

The lesson I learned whilst brushing my teeth …. and why multitasking sucks.

The lesson I learned whilst brushing my teeth …. and why multitasking sucks.

It was about 6.30am and I’d just come back from a SUP. I was getting ready to start work and found myself brushing my teeth, putting laundry in the washing machine and making the bed — all at the same time. It was only when I realised that I was about to spit out my toothpaste all over the floor that it was pretty stupid to be trying to do a whole bunch of things at once.

A new way to deal with your competition

A new way to deal with your competition

A reminder to us that all we needed to do was focus on our own practice. Nothing good would come from looking around the room. Either we’d fall into a place of self-doubt because we didn’t feel like we were doing good enough or we’d jump into our ego because we thought we were doing better than everyone else.

On my ride back home, I kept thinking about it. Stay on the mat. I realised that this aligns so closely with where I’m at in my business.

Are you making this confidence-zapping mistake ?

Are you making this confidence-zapping mistake ?

Just last week, I came across this awesome quote from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (an American poet with a rad name)

‘Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare think’.

It seemed super relevant to me after that surf lesson, and even more so when I thought about how we could apply that to entrepreneurship. I work with so many clients who struggle with (the super common) Impostor Syndrome. Where, despite external evidence of their competence, they still hold this belief that they are, in some way, a fraud, and that they’re not good enough at what they do.