short & sweet: feelings not facts

short & sweet: feelings not facts

Sure, some people will make a decision based purely on price or specific features, but the majority of our choices are actually based on feeling, not reason. Interesting huh?

But how does knowing that help us as business owners? Because if we can grasp the concept that people don’t buy facts, they buy feelings, then we understand the importance of sharing more of who we are and what we believe.

What are you waiting for ?

What are you waiting for ?

Fact: If you wanna become a really good surfer, you’re going to need to get good at paddling. And if you want to create a business that you ADORE? Find ways to enjoy the ‘paddle’. Lean into what makes it fun. Train hard, educate yourself so it becomes easier. Seek out your tribe. Identify your best path.

On business & boundaries

On business & boundaries

So why are boundaries so important when it comes to building a brand?

Because (as my smart cookie of a mastermind buddy told me this morning) we teach people how we want to be treated. This can be a hard truth to swallow because it involves radical responsibility, but if you’re dealing with any icky issues in your business, it might well be that you’ve been a little slack on your boundaries and allowed stuff to go down that just isn’t ok.

Good boundaries mean self-worth & self-respect… and both of those things are mighty useful to any entrepreneur. They’ll stop you from saying yes to clients who aren’t a great fit. They’ll make sure you get paid what you’re worth. And they’ll ensure that you make smart decisions at every stage of the game.

Six rules for successful collaborations

Six rules for successful collaborations

Note: As always, I’ve learnt some of these the hard way. It’s taken me a good chunk of time to figure out that these rules are actually non-negotiables for me when it comes to partnering up in business. So if you’re about to launch into a side hustle with a friend, or join a team of like-minded entrepreneurs to create a product, service or event, then take 5 minutes to check these ground rules out.

So it turns out structure creates space….

So it turns out structure creates space….

Most entrepreneurs have ended up as entrepreneurs because they didn’t want to follow anyone else’s rules. They’ve probably broken a whole heap of rules along the way. Rules set by former bosses (you must sit there from 9 am till 5 pm), rules set by society (you must have a regular, stable income) and rules set by peers, colleagues & friends (work sucks, none of us like our jobs, just deal with it).

Playing the long game makes more sense

Playing the long game makes more sense

We’re surrounded by so many myths of overnight success, of stories about tech entrepreneurs who came up with an idea for an app and 6 months later were pulling in millions of dollars of investment. So we’ve ended up in this crazy space that looks a little like Disneyland for entrepreneurs. Full of colour & magic & big dreams. Polished, shiny and seemingly real.

And you know what it’s done? It’s made entrepreneurship sexy. Everyone wants to do it. Suddenly it’s cool to be an entrepreneur.

But so many people are starting up businesses and building brands with completely ridiculous expectations in their heads. And with ridiculous expectations come painful reality checks.

Lessons from the belly of the whale

Lessons from the belly of the whale

For those of you not familiar with it, the Hero’s Journey is seriously worth a look. Whether you dive into the book, or just read an overview of it, or watch this movie — check it out. You won’t regret it.

And so the place I’m at on this particular loop around the Hero’s Journey is called the Belly of the Whale. It’s the point where the hero has transitioned from the known world into the unknown. When they’ve made the commitment to journey and there’s no going back. It’s a point in the journey where, as far as the outside world is concerned, the hero has been swallowed into the unknown. They have disappeared altogether. Perhaps never to be seen again.

Morning Routines : Here’s what NOT to do

Morning Routines : Here’s what NOT to do

Mantras, crystals, meditation and more. It was a rad list, but it left me feeling … um…. not good enough. Because let’s be honest, we don’t always follow through with our best intentions. So I figured today I’d share with you two of my morning routines.

One is my rad morning routine. The shiny version. The one that I’m happy to tell you about. The one that sets me up for an awesome day, no matter what else is going on in my life.

The other is my sucky routine. The one I feel guilty about. The one I’m embarrassed to share. The one that is guaranteed for a not-so-stellar start to the day.